It can be very stressful for the happy couple to plan the wedding themselves. Many choices need to be made. Though loved ones may mean well, their interferences can cause further problems. Keep your sanity and plan for your wedding with these tips.
Take the time to carefully consider the most important aspect of the wedding, your future spouse. Absolutely do not make this life-changing decision in haste. Consider the person and what about them you can’t live without, and also the things about them that might irritate you.
Including pets in a wedding can be a fun, original way to celebrate your union! Dress your doggy up as a groomsman or bridesmaid and take them up the aisle with you. But do have someone take the dog away during the actual ceremony so it doesn’t end up barking or doing something it shouldn’t!
To prepare for photographing a wedding, it is vital to figure out how to turn off the sound on your digital camera! This may require a fair amount of research online, or calling the company directly, so do it long before the wedding date to ensure you’ll be totally prepared when the day comes.
Even if your budget is small, having two photographers at your wedding can catch shots that might be missed otherwise. Consider asking family members to take on the roll as an additional photographer, or even have both photographers be someone you know personally. Free is the best way to go, and they might even give you the end product as a wedding gift.
If you’re one of the many people who don’t want to spend upward of a thousand dollars on a fat-and-sugar-laden wedding cake, check with local bakeries for lighter, individual-sized wedding pastry suggestions. Some bakeries will even ship fresh cupcakes with fewer than 100 calories per serving as well as healthy options like gluten-free ingredients, fruit-filling instead of frosting, no-calorie sweeteners, or even tart meringue toppings.
Make sure that you wear comfortable shoes on your wedding day. You will be standing throughout most of the ceremony and dancing for most of the reception, so you do not want to neglect your feet. This does not mean you have to get ugly shoes, just get comfortable, attractive ones.
If you are attending a wedding, make sure to bring a gift or a card and arrive on time. Once the processional has started, you won’t be able to be seated until after it has finished, and unless you are a close personal friend, it may be awkward to have you standing in the foyer watching the bridal party as they prepare to walk down the aisle.
Keep your toasts short and to the point. Long, rambling stories about that time you were in college and went on a long road trip together start out cute but end up in yawns when they take too long. If you have a funny story to share, make sure that it is less than three minutes long.
You should be congratulated on making this far. Planning a wedding may be intimidating; however, you can make it through. This is your wedding, your big day. Use the tips you’ve just read to have a great wedding.
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